torsdag, mars 01, 2012


Landmark Forum - London feb 2012

When I came to London this weekend I was clear of that
the Landmark Forum was my first breakthrough course,
and that the Forum had make a huge difference in my
life when I did the Forum the first time 12 years ago.

What I did not know was, what in it for me today.

I came to the Forum and was curious about how it works today.
The first two days I was not really sure and had some skeptical thoughts.

Now after three days I am clear of that the Landmark Forum is still
the most powerful thing you can do in personal development.
It cut trough all, I say all, the complains, justifications, thoughts
and feelings you had about things, and leave you present and alive in
life exact how it is.

Landmark Education take a stand for all people, all people, that they should
an extraordinary life together with their friends and families, and live a
life they love.
And it works. It works.

I am so thankful and glad for me and my wife that we
took the time and did the Landmark Forum this weekend.

I also invite you, yes just you who reading this just now, to take a look:
- How can The Landmark Forum be something for me,
and take an action if you see a possibility for yourself.

You can call me, or send an sms, whenever you want and be in communication
with me.

Welcome to a life of new realm of possibility.

With Love, Passion and Joy

+46 702 36 25 88

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