onsdag, februari 07, 2007


Osho - Never Born - Never Died II

Never Born - Never Died
Only visited this planet earth between
December 11, 1931 - January 19, 1990

There must be some pain inside. Just the idea that you are a disciple, that
you have to be in somebody else's hands, totally surrendered, is against the
And that's why you need a master. The master is a device so that you can
drop your ego. The master is just a strategy, a situation. It will be very
difficult to drop the ego on your own. Who will drop whom? How will you drop
your ego on your own? It will be almost impossible.
The master is just a device: you can trust the master in deep love, and you
can put the ego aside. Otherwise you don't have anything else but the ego --
if you put that aside, you will fall into utter emptiness. And you will not
be able to fall into that abysmal, bottomless emptiness. You will become
very much afraid, you will again cling to anything that you can find around
you. And the ego is the closest.
It will be impossible for you to go into nothingness unless somebody is
there calling you forth -- from your very nothingness, somebody calling you
forth, "Come on! Don't be afraid."
Once you have learned that dropping the ego is not death, once you have
learned and tasted that dropping the ego is real life, that real life begins
only when the ego is dropped -- when you have tasted that, there will be no
need of the master. but it will not be so easy to leave the master.
How can you leave somebody who has been such a transformation to you? The
very idea is stupid. And there is nobody to leave; nobody is clinging to
you. In fact between the master and the disciple, the relationship is
one-way. The master has no relationship with you.
Listen well: don't be shocked. The master has no relationship with you. It
is only YOU who need a relationship; it is just in your mind that the master
exists. Otherwise there is nobody there. One day when you know the truth,
the master will have disappeared.
The disciple disappears when he surrenders to the master. And when he knows
nothingness, the master disappears. There's nobody leaving and nobody to be
left. In that utter purity is nirvana, is enlightenment.
But it is painful. Growth is painful, and the greatest pain comes when you
have to drop your idea of the self.
A parable:
Said one oyster to a neighboring oyster, "I have a very great pain within
me. It is heavy and round and I am in distress."
And the other oyster replied with haughty complacence, "Praise be to the
heavens and to the sea, I have no pain within me. I am well and whole both
within and without."
At that moment a crab was passing by and heard the two oysters, and he said
to the one who was well and whole both within and without, "Yes, you are
well and whole; but the pain that your neighbor bears is a pearl of
exceeding beauty."
The disciple is in a deep pain, because the ego is to be dropped and it is
not easy. The ego is not like a garment that you can put off easily. The ego
is like your skin, it has to be peeled and it is painful.
You have lived with the ego for so many many lives. You have changed bodies
many times, but the ego is the same. It has persisted as a continuous thing
in you, it is very ancient. To drop it is not easy; it is arduous, it is
great agony. But only out of this agony is ecstasy born -- a pearl of
exceeding beauty, a state of consciousness of utter benediction. But in the
beginning you will feel, "I have a very great pain within me. It is heavy
and round and I am in distress."
And those who don't know the pain of disciplehood will tell you, "Praise be
to the heavens and to the sea, I have no pain within me. I am well and whole
both within and without."
You can go and look around: there are millions of people who have no idea
what it means to be a disciple, who have never tasted anything of
disciplehood, who have never surrendered to anybody, who have never loved
somebody so deeply that they are ready to die for him, who have never loved
anybody so intimately that they disappear into that intimacy, that they melt
into that intimacy.
They will tell you that you are a little bit abnormal: "There is no need to
be a disciple, and there is no need to be a master. Look at us! We are
whole, within and without. We don't need a master, so why should you need a
And yes, they are whole within and without, and healthy. But their health is
valueless and their wholeness is of a very low order, their wholeness is
very mundane. And one who wants to attain to the sacred realm will have to
pass through pain -- the pain of losing the mundane, the pain of being
nowhere, the pain of being in limbo, the pain of losing that which you know
and yet not gaining that which you desire to know. When you are just in the
middle, that's where the disciple is. He is dropping that which is known,
perfectly known, and trying to enter into something of which he is
absolutely unaware what exactly it is.
He is going into the unknown: dropping the secure for the insecure, dropping
the safe for the unsafe, dropping the so-called sanity and becoming insane.
That's what the Sufis say: Unless you become mad for God, you will not
attain to him. Madness is a must.
The disciple is mad. He has fallen in love with a master, and love makes one
mad. Now nobody is going to understand you; you will be utterly incapable of
logically proving to somebody what you are doing. And it is not that you
don't know logic.
My sannyasins are from the most educated classes of the world. We have all
kinds of people -- artists, painters, professors, scientists, psychologists,
therapists, doctors, engineers -- all well educated. It is not that they
don't know how to argue; they are very clever in arguing. But now something
has happened which is beyond argument.
And talking about your master and about the love that has arisen in you, you
will look almost foolish before anybody. It is painful.
But only through this pain does growth happen. This is a growth pain, and a
growth pain is far more valuable than the health which does not allow
growth. To be abnormal and mad is far better if growth comes through it than
to be normal and sane if no growth comes through it.
The whole point is growth: you should not remain what you are. You should
not remain the seed, you should burst forth into thousands of flowers. But
before that the seed has to die in the soil.
The master is just a climate, a soil, in which the disciple dies. Trusting,
he falls into the soil and dies. There is no way of guaranteeing your
future, what will happen. How can you guarantee a seed that "It is
absolutely certain that a sprout will come when you are gone. There will be
great foliage and greenery and red flowers, and there will be great joy when
you have died."
But the seed will say, "How can I be convinced about it? Because I will not
be there to witness it. What guarantee is there? Who knows? I may simply die
and nothing may happen."
What can be said to the seed? It is impossible to convince the seed. But the
seed falls in love with a tree which has already grown -- that which was
hidden has become manifest. The seed falls in love with the flowers and the
fragrance of the tree, and the seed asks, "What is the way? How can I become
like you?"
That's what the meaning of being a disciple is. You come close to a Buddha
and you see the flowers and the fragrance and you ask the Buddha, "How can I
become like you?"
And Buddha says, "I died, that's how I became like this. You must also die."
And seeing the Buddha and the fragrance and the silence and the calmness, a
trust arises, a love arises. And the seed risks: the seed dies by the side
of the great tree. And one day there is a sprout. But there is no logical
way to convince anybody, unless you are already convinced through your love.
So it is not a question of my convincing you to become disciples; there is
no way to do it. It is by your being convinced through your own love that
you become a disciple. And yes, it is painful, Devamo. But all growth is
Go through this pain. Let this ego be gone completely, howsoever painful it
is. It is better to be miserable in insecurity than to be miserable in
security, because one who is miserable in security will not grow. And growth
is the highest value there is. Man is potential God: the God has to be
And much will have to be dropped. You will have to be unburdened of much,
only then can you reach to that sunlit peak. The higher you go, the more
will have to be dropped, because everything will become a weight on you and
a hindrance on the journey. You can reach to the peak only when all that you
were has been dropped on the way.
You will reach to the peak only as a nothingness, a nobody. And it is
painful, I know it. And I'm trying to create a climate here, an energyfield,
so that you can go through the pain as joyously as possible."
- Osho excerpt from Unio Mystica 'A pearl of exceeding beauty' question 1


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