onsdag, december 30, 2009
The Landmark Forum - Adventure (at top100expo)
The Landmark Forum is a rollercoaster ride that provides an unprecedented and unpredictable adventure. Most of the adventures on our Top 100 List are precedented and predictable. Think about this. Even if we had an adventure of traveling to Pluto, we could roughly describe what you would see, hear, feel, and experience. You would put on some kind of space-proof suit, enter a ship, and then blast out of the atmosphere, travel through space, and arrive on ball called Pluto. You could predict that.
The Landmark Forum promises to deliver ‘anything you want’. But ‘what you want’ is often unknown (or different than what you think you want). In the Landmark Forum, your adventure is customized (like the dream sequence in the movie “Total Recall”).
You may get decades of extra years added to your life. You may resurrect a relationship that died when Nixon was president. You may heal an ulcer or back pain. Nightmares from an alcoholic upbringing or sexual assault could vanish forever in a moment. You may gain a personal relationship with the man/woman of your dreams or a relationship with God.
You might rediscover your kids, or save yourself from destroying them. Maybe your mother will get her son back, or your wife will get back a husband that she hasn’t seen since the honeymoon. Maybe you’ll take on new challenges like those listed on the Top 100 Adventures. Or maybe you’ll get several or even all of the above or something else altogether extraordinary.
The Landmark Forum is about creating new possibilities for your life. So the benefits from this adventure last a lifetime, not just a few days like a Vespa tour through Italy or just a few moments like a bungee jump or skydive. Landmark is a new kind of adventure. It’s totally transformational, not just exciting. So we hiked it way up the list.
If we discover an adventure that takes us directly to Heaven or guarantees world peace, it will unseat the Landmark Forum. Until then, Landmark Forum clearly tops our top 100 list.
If I could recommend only one adventure to our readers, Landmark Forum would my choice.
- John Chmela, Top 100 Adventures
Etiketter: Landmark Form
måndag, december 14, 2009
Tips på En Hjärtlig Julklapp
Jag gav min julklapp förra veckan.
Cirka en halvliter blod till någon som behöver det.
Jag lämnade för 40:de gången och har därmed
lämnat ca 18 liter under de senaste åren.
Vill Du också bli blodgivare?
Nästan alla kan bli blodgivare:
Är du mellan 18 och 60 år,
frisk och väger minst 50 kilo?
Då är chansen stor att du kan bli blodgivare.
Läs mer på http://www.geblod.nu/

Bliblodgivare.nu var uppmaningen på Ericsson Globe i Stockholm den 1 december 2009